Monday 28 May 2012

Sign research:
for my work i want to take the idea of signage from an urban enviroment and place it with in a woodland area, I found that the areas surrounding the long narrow stretch of woodland were completely urbanised and made the woodland seem invisible. In my mind its an interesting contrast between the woodland and the outside environment. I find it to be slightly ironic, I like the idea of the traditional  picnic in the woods and how these signs wood play on how traditions such as this have been lost due to urbanisation of areas surrounding natural environments.

 In urban environments signage should be:

Any colours can work but contrast between font and background should be at least 60% due to people with colour blindness

Letters should be at least 3inches wide and 4inches in height.
Helvetica,Clear view and Garamond  are the most common font in urban environments as its easier to read for the elderly and short of sight and varying driving speeds. (i do not find this as relevant as no cars go through the woods and my deign should be aimed at human traffic)

Symbols and Logos- internationally recognised symbols are best and should be distinctive

Pedestrian signs-Simplicity is still important to cut through the urban clutter

Fabrication- way finding signs are furniture and have a similar impact on a pedestrian environment as waste paper baskets and trash receptacles. These signs must be pleasant on the eye and cause no harm or offence to passes by.

Library book

Way finding
Designing and implementing graphic navigational systems

Craig M Berger

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